Jessica Skorich Jessica Skorich

Who Won the Debate? What the Polls Don’t Tell You…

So you’re one of the estimated 80+ million viewers of the first presidential debate and you’re wondering, “Did my horse come in first?” If you’re like me, you listen to the pundits pontificate on who performed better or what did the focus groups say (Can I say that as both a researcher AND a political junkie, this time of year is like my Superbowl).

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Jessica Skorich Jessica Skorich

The Well Coached Observer

Over the years Level 7 researchers have conducted many studies that called for us to talk to people in person – either by meeting them in their home, tagging along on a shopping trip, or shadowing them during some activity.

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Jessica Skorich Jessica Skorich

Rate this Blog Post on a 1 to 10 Scale

It seems simple enough. You want to know how your customer rates you on a particular metric; let’s say how likely they are to buy your latest innovation. So what do you have them rate you on? On a scale from 1 to 5? 1 to 7? 1 to 10?

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Jessica Skorich Jessica Skorich

How to Avoid Drowning in the Sea of Sameness

So you think you stand out among your competitors – but just how different do you appear to customers? We find that as much as our clients think they are differentiated from their competitors, their prospects often…

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Jessica Skorich Jessica Skorich

What Net Promoter Doesn’t Tell You

The Net Promoter Score has often been touted by the Harvard Business Review as the one number you need to predict growth (which may or may not be true).

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Jessica Skorich Jessica Skorich

Market Research in Advertising. Friend or Foe?

Advertising agencies often rely on market research for three primary reasons: to gain insight into their client’s customers/markets (including better understanding of agency prospects), ad concept testing and campaign effectiveness. David Ogilvy (founder of….

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Jessica Skorich Jessica Skorich

Don’t Guess What Your Customer Is Thinking

Not too long ago I was at the gym getting ready for the day. I did what I always do… I tore off a long piece of paper towel, placed it on the counter and set my makeup bag on top of it. A woman from the….

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Jessica Skorich Jessica Skorich

+ or – 5%: Fun with Math

So it’s election time and poll numbers abound. Pundits will talk about virtual ties and margins of error and the like – but what does that actually mean and how is it calculated? And as a marketer, where can you be confident that the decisions you are making are valid?

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