Let’s Paw-ty
Pets have frequently been a part of my life, and according to Level 7’s holiday survey this is also the case for over 66% of US households. I’ve had dogs and cats mostly – sometimes just a dog sometimes just a cat and sometimes both. But over the past several years cats have been my pet of choice. So, when we became puppy parents a few months back, it had been quite a while since I’d lived with a dog.
And wow have things changed! There are all kinds of resources for puppy parents that weren’t prevalent 15-20 years ago. Daycare, play dates, special diets and treats; not to mention pet spas, wardrobe items and toys that teach. According to Forbes and The American Pet Products Association, the pet industry will continue to experience growth – particularly as young adults embrace the pet owning lifestyle.
Our 2018 holiday survey also shows that 68% of dog and cat owners buy their own pets at least 1 gift for the holidays (I fall into this category), and 15% buy gifts for other peoples’ pets; whereas 86% of non-dog/cat owners say they usually just buy for people.
So now my 2019 Christmas list is just a little bit longer. And I’m fine with that. Where do you stand on buying gifts for pets?
Oh, and here’s a few members of Level 7’s furry family…
Barking Security Guard
Blue & Dawkins
Therapy Dogs Extraordinaire
Lover of Cookies