Brand Insights for a Private School District


One of the largest private school districts in an upstate NY region struggled with declining enrollments and closings. The district believed it had a great story – but it needed to be told in a new way to get back into the mindset of parents.


Level 7 partners conducted one-on-one interviews with key stakeholders, a comprehensive quantitative market study with parents, brand workshops, and a competitive communications audit.

The primary insight developed from the research was that the private school appealed to parents not for the high moral values, but for an environment that focused on high-quality academics and individual talents. The insight fueled a new brand identity including logo, tagline, website, brand video, and multi-channel awareness and recruitment campaign.


When the new brand positioning was presented to a room full of school principals and administrators, they jumped for joy. The website received unprecedented web traffic as well as ad click-through rates that were 2.5 times the industry benchmarks.


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